Thursday, 23 July 2009

Modern Numerology

Pythagorean system

This system uses the principles that were taught by Pythagoras in his Mystery Schools of Crotona which was founded in 529BC. This method assigns a specific number value to each letter in the alphabet. By adding these number values together and reducing them to a root value from 1-9, or 11, 22 (which are known as master numbers), you can determine the numeric value for the name. Specific values are calculated for the vowels, the consonants and for the entire name to indicate desires, appearances, and self-expression in that order. The date of birth can be reduced to indicate the Foundation, or Life Path of each individual which represents the true nature of the personality in this lifetime including the purpose of this life, the traits that you have which will help you attain your goals, non-productive qualities which can be worked on, and potential vocations that are in tune with what you are to accomplish.

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