Thursday 23 July 2009

Born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th

Year 2009 will be a harmonious year ahead for you. You will also gain a lot due to their natural leadership traits. Love life will be romantic and without much conflicts. Singles will be able to meet their true soul mates in 2009. You will be appreciated for your new ideas in your professional life. Numbers in the Year 2009 also predict chances of a good job change and getting good support from co-workers. As far as health is concerned, you will be full of energy and passion. You are advised to avoid ego clashes and aggression to maintain your mental peace.

Year 2009 holds out hopes of large scale improvement in many directions. You will at last be able to take lead and shape your circumstances to your betterment. You will be more egotistical and have to be on your guard against being too selfish. You also have to think twice before you allow your pride to stand in your way; otherwise it might prove expensive for you. If you are holding a key position in your job, you will show great interest in your activities whereby you will benefit a lot. Do not be afraid of asking favours from your superiors as the numbers are completely in your favour all through the year. This is the year in which you will derive significant benefit through influence and contacts. As fortunate developments grow during the year, you will develop self confidence as well. You will find yourself become a center of activities and be in a position to enhance your prospects and social standing. As you get more opportunities and more authority, do not be surprised to have more responsibilities as well.

Born on 2nd , 11th, 20th or 29th

n 2009 you are likely to face few ups and downs in your financial status. Not only this, you will be able to execute new plans both in their personal as well as professional life. Professionally, you will be able to make large profits with their creativity and artistic ideas in 2009. Businessmen will also succeed in expanding their business ventures in 2009.

In the year 2009 you can expect an interactive and emotionally sensitive year involving all sorts of relationship issues, not just personal, but social and professional as well. This is a time of decision and preparation. It's important not to over react or be hasty in making decisions, since the supreme power wants you to seek peace and agreement as you flow with the tide.

It's a year to seek guidance or counseling on the difficult issues; to meditate, study, plan and assimilate the energies of life, not resist them. You are like a seed, newly planted. Your inner-core is just beginning to extend its root system so it can begin absorbing the life nutrients, necessary to your emotional growth. All new germinating seeds need spiritual and emotional nourishment to ensure proper growth.

A difficult waiting period is over. In this year, communication will be the key and you discover that you have the intellect and originality to create a project your way. Between August and November, you'll discover a new audience, which will help make your dreams reality. As for love, you will have the courage to say yes to an adventurous change. Just be careful your lover doesn't try to take total control.

Born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th

Year 2009 indicates that you will get huge financial gains all through the year. You will travel a lot, both for professional as well as personal reasons. Your love life will have many ups and downs. You will grab many new opportunities for an appraisal or promotion.

You might feel like a Failure because your career plans have not been the way you had planed. You will fascinate a group that wields power and your financial timing is perfect. As for love, you'll stop waiting to be rescued. You're an open person, but deep down you've always felt private and solitary. In this golden period, you'll allow someone to get close and begin a relationship where you can express your deepest feelings.

Year 2009 is a year of transition It concerns itself with practical matters and issues pertaining to family and property (owned or up for possible purchase). To be successful in this year it's imperative that you attend to all details as they arise. Try to avoid family arguments and squabbles, since the focus is on domestic issues as well in this year. Health issues must also be checked, since the year might bring physical ailments to you.

Born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st

In 2009 your life will be full of achievements that will surprise all your competitors as well but these achievements will come after a lot of hard work. Year 2009 is an ideal year for saving and building up for the future. Bring out the ideas that you have been fostering and express them now or prepare a campaign that will bear fruit in the future.

On the love front, you will have new relationships growing during the year. You will need to reorganize yourself and your plans to achieve success in Career. Year 2009 is a year of vigorous activity and involvements. Most of all, this is an emotional year. Could be upbeat and joyful emotion or depressing and worrisome. It all depends on the frame of mind and feeling you brought with you at the beginning of the year.It is a time to express your joyful side, whether it is becoming more social or entering into fun-loving activities with others. You may expect a series of lucky incidents this year. You are likely to undertake original and speculative tasks and these will also prove advantageous for you.

Born on 5th, 14th or 23rd

Year 2009 is a year of change and adjustments, though the adjustments shall be for few months only. Your career prospects
will improve and the wise use of words while dealing with higher authorities will help boost your career tremendously. You will be seen in full versatility during 2009. You might be a bit confused in love life this year. You will also have an urge to introspect your existing relationships. During 2009 you will be able to start new projects but will not be able to complete the old ones so gracefully. This is likely to mar your Career growth.

A creative piece of work that seemed stalled will suddenly move forwards. In the coming months, you'll have strong chemistry with those around you. You will also attract more income as well as the freedom to pursue a once-in-a-lifetime dream. In love, you'll let go of an old emotional weight and trust your heart to someone who shares your vision. You may become the central force in this person's life. The stage is set for you to get a second chance to make the right choice – and this could be it!

Born on 6th, 15th or 24th

Year 2009 will overall be a good year, both in terms of personal life as well in professional field. Career wise you need to be patient as your efforts will not yield immediate results.

It is a time of intended serenity, balance, contentment and a quieting from the change and turmoil of the previous year. This can be a wonderful year that may bring you the fruits of your past efforts. It's a year when you should seek peace in your relationships and healing for your mind and body. Best advice for the year is: Get your domestic affairs in order so that you are prepared for the future planning and for the opportunities that will come year round. Be willing to offer help to others and be conciliatory in settling your marriage or relationship disputes.

Born on 7th, 16th or 25th

Year 2009 is the time to pull back, rest and review the past years of growth and activity. It's your time to draw up a game plan for the coming years. You must begin a process of deep examination and meditation. This is not a year for new beginnings and new initiatives, it is your down time needed to formulate your future possibilities. Your ideas will reflect originality and this will bring you Success as well. You must be prepared to cast off the impediments of life that are not worth your while. Make the decision to study, and let your field of study be wide enough.

If you are embarking on a career
, it would serve well to choose one, dealing with travel or communication. There are possibilities that you will be misunderstood over an important matter, and it will be extremely difficult to clarify your point of view. Your temperament will be conditioned by a positive type of person who will have an influence over your life.

Number 8th, 17th or 26th

Powers and energy are yours in the year 2009. This year you will begin to climb the ladder of success and reap the fruits of your labour. It is a year when the plan you established during past years will now be put in force to bring you success. Your life should now be resting on a much more stable foundation. Finances can abound, job promotion & recognition may be received. You will experience a drive now to improve your position and place in the world. Much energy will be expended to move forward. You need to remember that if you force issues beyond their breaking point it can backfire on your health and mental clarity. Stand cool, take control, own your own power, but do these things as you exercise wisdom in your efforts. Use a measure of control and wisdom as you regulate your energies to ensure success.

Energy and force are bestowed upon you during this year. You should use this power in a creative and constructive way.

Born on 9th, 18th or 27th

You're a restless dreamer, and in 2009 you are about to take a scary step into a venture you thought was impossible. You're also about to find more financial success. Meanwhile, love is filled with change; remember, you've outgrown what you've left behind. By breaking an old pattern, you'll finally feel safe. You'll bind yourself to a partnership with someone who treasures and respects you. You'll also commit to an extravagantly romantic plan that, curiously, makes your life more stable.

The most important principle to be remembered about this year is its purpose. The year to remove outworn and no longer useful personal relationships, things, attitudes, involvements and interests from your life (making room for new and more vital levels of growth and existence).

Year 2009 is an ideal year to get rid of the old habits of thought and action that are deterring your progress. Keep in touch with persons who are living at a distant place as this will bring an unexpected opportunity for you. This year you do not need to seek outside for advice, for the answer to your immediate problems lie within yourself.

Modern Numerology

Pythagorean system

This system uses the principles that were taught by Pythagoras in his Mystery Schools of Crotona which was founded in 529BC. This method assigns a specific number value to each letter in the alphabet. By adding these number values together and reducing them to a root value from 1-9, or 11, 22 (which are known as master numbers), you can determine the numeric value for the name. Specific values are calculated for the vowels, the consonants and for the entire name to indicate desires, appearances, and self-expression in that order. The date of birth can be reduced to indicate the Foundation, or Life Path of each individual which represents the true nature of the personality in this lifetime including the purpose of this life, the traits that you have which will help you attain your goals, non-productive qualities which can be worked on, and potential vocations that are in tune with what you are to accomplish.


Goal setting is a technical application for personal improvement in life.

You may have various goals to achieve your mission.
Be sure the goals that you set are what you really want.
Jot down all the goals that float in your head.Never mind the sequence.
Ask yourself what are the reasons for you to approach each task
If you don't find answers or don't feel enthusiastic about it, remember you may not even pursue it.
Narrow down to a “comfortable" list, for this list is what will motivate you.

Know what you want

If you haven't the faintest idea of what you really want, you can get side tracked easily!

* Think long and hard about what you really want.
* You may need to search your inner self to discover these truths.
* Sometimes ideas are hidden deep within, so take time to explore.
* Concentrate on what you want If you are sure of what you want, only then can you decide how you intend getting there


If you don't organize your goals properly, you could end up disappointed!

* Now organize your list in an order of priority.
* Decide which goals are more important and work towards accomplishing these first.
* If you think a particular goal is “impossible" you may want to break it into segments, setting target dates to achieve each segment Work towards your goals step by step.
* This makes it less complicated and does not make it seem overwhelming.
* Be specific so that your path to fulfill your mission is clear cut and uncluttered.

Get Constructive

Constructive planning is what will get you where you want to go!

* List out workable plans
* List out how you intend accomplishing them
* Make step by step plans and stick to them
* Get realistic, time bound and specific about your goals
* Select only attainable goals..

Set a Goal

The first step on the path to success, is for you to set a goal. Goal setting is an integral and the most important part of self-improvement. Each one of us has a mission in life and to fulfill these missions, it is vital to set goals in order to see positive changes in one's life.How do you go about setting goals? Is that the most perplexing part of the exercise?Define your mission and list out steps you need to take to fulfill this mission. Next, set your goals

Hebrew Kabbalah and the ancient Judaic system

values to letters which is also known as Gem atria. Early alphabetic systems did not have numbers for counting but instead relied on the numbers that were assigned to each letter. Eventually the numeric values of words were calculated and interpreted to show that words of the same number value also held similar energetic qualities. This same system when applied to names and birth dates helps the professional numerologist to determine very specific aspects of each individual person including their personality, achievements, striking qualities, limitations, ideals, desires, influences, will, and personal yearly and monthly cycles in this lifetime.

Self empowerment.

Numerology indicate that every number in your birth date, and every letter in your name
hold a specific vibration. Each number is assigned certain characteristics, values, and a male or female aspect based on ancient interpretation. Analysis of these numbers provides insights into many different aspects of your life. This enhanced self knowledge allows you to own your strengths and work with them, and to acknowledge your weaknesses. This knowledge can help you free yourself from projected limitations and direct you toward self knowledge and most importantly


Every aspect of our lives, and the lives of everything around us follows a similar numeric pattern which can be interpreted to determine what your path is in this life, how you are to achieve it, when specific cycles of your life begin and end, and with whom you will be most compatible. The accuracy of Numerology Science is amazing in it's depth of detail and comparable to an Astrological Reading in it's overall completeness. Numerology Readings are used as a companion to an Astrological Reading. Advanced, Professional Numerology Readings can be up to 40 or 50 pages in length and can be used as a tool for refining the unique individual personality of each person.
responds to numbers