Wednesday, 9 September 2009

partner's cycle.

On a final note, if you are with a partner you always need to be aware and sensitive to your partner's cycle. As a couple you can also add both of your years together. That will determine your cycle together. Suppose you are in cycle 7 and your partner is in cycle 5 then together you would do the following: 5+7=12=3. You are together in cycle 3. It is about having some fun together but you also need to watch that one partner is in his 7th year cycle and the other partner is in her 5th year cycle. One would like to be left alone and the other one wants to be adventurous. The best-case scenario is to have fun together but also leave some space for your partner in his 7th cycle. At the same time the other has to be open - minded and leave her some space because she needs freedom for her 5th year cycle. When combined together, the 7th and 9th year cycle should be carefully watched. If yours and your partner's cycles together bring you to 7, I recommend that you have some time alone or try and do a few things separately. If your years combined bring you to a 9 year cycle, then this will be a year for both of you to let go of some habits or patterns that are not working between the two of you. It can also mean the end of a "9 - year Cycle" together so prepare for a new start later on. Unfortunately, it can also indicate the break up of that relationship, especially when one of the patterns is blocked by certain routines or habits that each does not want to let go of, or either stops investing in each other. Do not get paranoid here! Any couple can stop seeing each other at any year cycle, when either or both do not invest in the other. The flame, or the energy, between them will stop on its own - believe me!

Year 9

Completion: This is the end of your 9 - year cycle. If you started your year from January, or whether you do it my way starting with your birthday, the first six months of this year will require looking back at your last 8 years and evaluating them. Writing in your journal is highly recommended. You need to look at your last years in an objective way to realize what really does not work in your life. It is time to let go of your habits or patterns and allow new things to surface in your life. In the following six months, start planning what you project for yourself in the next "9 Year Cycle" and initiate your plan and study it. After all, it is about your own life and you should start taking actions to improve it. This year is about completion and a time to tie up all loose ends in your life.

Negative aspects of the 9th year cycle – Discard the old and worthless things in both your business and personal life. Sometimes this could apply to people that are like headaches causing you pain and trouble, regardless of your relationships with these people. Cutting people out of your life is essential in order for you to move forward in life. It is important to cut the emotional ties with people that are holding you back from moving forward in your life.

Year 8

Your Rewards: This is the year to pick up all of the rewards, recognition, powers, and money if you have done what was necessary in your previous years. Without, of course, having over-stepped your responsibilities for every of the last 7 years. You might have to deal with everything that you did not deal with before. If you have had any unfinished business from previous years it will now become more intensified and you will need really to deal with it. Eight is also karmic which I personally enjoy. I say karma because it forces us to face our own reality, and makes us work at it in order to understand it's lessons. As you will see 8 is like the sign of infinity sideways. This indicates that it will keep turning and turning and coming back to its original place. What I mean by this is that we all have patterns that we need to let go of. It's time to stop running over and over the "9 Year Cycle". Learning what we need to understand, and move on with our lives. If this year is very rewarding, it is in appreciation of your hard work. We should know better by now, and not take things, and your life for granted. Achievement vibrates this year. Opportunities for advancement will come your way if you have planned, organized, efficiently managed, and worked hard in the past to reach your goals. This is a year of abundance. 

Negative aspects of the 8th year cycle – Do not try to hang on to the material things that have outlived their usefulness. Avoid dominance in your love life. Avoid trying to control, or domineer other people. Avoid being greedy.

Year 7

Inner Reflection: Personally, I believe this year 7 is the most important year in the "9 Year Cycle". It is a year for inner reflection, to find out who you really are? What do you want out of your life? Where are you going with your life? It is a year to build trust in yourself again, and in your own capabilities. It is a year of conscious awareness of the universe around you. This year is where you might use your curiosity to investigate, to expand your mind. Start to get into your deeper being, and touch your essence and your soul. The universe will force it on you regardless if you like it or not. It's not going against your free will of course but you are stuck in patterns, habits, and circumstances that require your deepest and most inner attention. You will have no choice but to be driven into getting to know yourself, and what you want from life? Why are you always repeating the same patterns in your relationships? Why are you having problems when it comes to your career? Have a good look at the question marks that exist in your life, and that you weren't capable of finding answers for before. Now is the time to search for the answers. Look back at your previous years and see if you were laid off from your job in your last year 7, or did you break up with your partner in your year 7? You might be amazed! This year is a lucky year. You can easily change jobs. I do not recommend any heavy work from you, or starting a new relationship. This could distract you from learning to better understand yourself, and bring about change. Your concentration this year should be on you, and only you. You need a lot of quality time for yourself. I recommend meditation, yoga or any activity that makes you happy and relaxed. You might feel like you need to be alone or stay by yourself. If you are in a relationship, try to have some quality time for yourself. You might have desires to study the world of consciousness and have a deeper investigation about life. It is a good time to start writing in your journal. It is a good year to meditate and get involves with yoga or any type of relaxing activity.

Negative aspects of the 7th year cycle – Appearances of coldness or detachment may irritate others who don't understand your current situation. You shouldn't fight or force any issue at this time.

Year 6

Responsibility: You will have more responsibilities on your shoulders this year as family and community work becomes your obligation this year. It is a year for services for others and you will be more driven to do it. Your heart is more affected by what goes on around you. You will feel more compassion towards other people and be more affectionate than before. This year is meant for you to concentrate on your home life. Sacrifice will play a big part in your life at this time. You will find universal love, friends, warmth and contentment in your life. Marriage is a good idea this year. Love energy is all around you. Lots of rewards will fall into your lap this year. Blessings from the sky will make this year a success.

Negative aspects of the 6th year cycle – Avoid doing things for personal gain. Do not allow your responsibilities to be forced on everyone in your surroundings. Accept them the way they are, and help them instead to become responsible for themselves, without imposing your own views. Consider everyone's needs as well. 

Year 5

A New Beginning: This year is a lighter year than the previous one. This year is about discipline, freedom, and time for some adventure and traveling. This year is a year for change in a new direction, perhaps in the business you started in your first year. Invest more in your relationships, change your home, move in together, or take a trip together somewhere exotic and adventurous. This year will provide you with new opportunities and will provide chances for growth on different levels. You should concentrate on feeling free. You should move away from old routines and patterns, but do so constructively. If you feel bogged down, this is a good time to seek out new directions and options. In many cases couples get separated in this year cycle if one of the partners is too demanding or egoistic, or needs things for themselves while disregarding the other person. Remember this year is about freedom. Keep your goal in mind and plan how to advance with it. 

Negative aspects of the 5th year cycle – You may be impatient, restless and scattered in all directions. Don't get in a rut. When there is restlessness or impulsiveness this can lead to some interference that would cut down on the potential of the freewheeling opportunities that are in place.

Year 4

The Construction: Time for fun and starting to get back to life's obligations is necessary for you this year. This is a hard working year. It is required for us to start adding the walls to the foundation of our 2nd year cycle. This year is meant to stabilize your venture, and to establish a secure base for future development of the project(s) of your first year cycle. You must concentrate on adding a solid base to your foundation. Hard work, mental and / or physical is required this year. You must strengthen all of the weak areas in your projects or relationships. You take care of all of the details. You put everything in order, ready for potential growth. Good management is required of you at this time and will need your full attention and concentration. 4 is a year in which to be practical, in regards to your health, when you have a lot of work to deal with. Keep all legal papers in order, documents, insurance, etc. and keep things in order when it comes to business and property. Remember if you started your first on an emotional level and you survived your relationship so far, it may become necessary to make your relationship more solid and invest further in it and NOT to take it for granted.
Negative aspects of the 4th year cycle – Accept routine work, it is not time for laziness or personal pleasures this year. Do not become impractical and careless. Do not become rigid, dogmatic, stubborn, or have a fixed approach or be close-minded. Do not become bossy, dominant or become an excessive disciplinarian.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Year 3

The Joy of Living: Now this is the time to relax and have some fun. Self-expression is important at this moment. New people, new friends will be in your surroundings at this point if you allow yourself to have some fun. Entertaining, or being entertained is the theme of this year. This is a year of flirtation, talking, and expressing yourself in whatever form, as a way of showing your creativity. It is a pleasant year for social affairs after your two first hard working years. Traveling and entertainment are always on your agenda. People are drawn to you, to your wit and charm. Stay optimistic and cheerful. You should start to see some results on the goals of your first year cycle. Hold on to them while you are still having fun. When you are around people you take over with your cheerful attitude and magnetism. It's not a good year to start a relationship. It is hard to choose, or make up your mind, when you are having fun.
Negative aspects of the 3rd year cycle – You can lack the ability to express your deepest emotions. Do not waste your energy. Be careful not to gossip or talk out of turn, as this could cause problems.

Year 2

The Foundation: In this year it is best to take what you started with in your first year and start building the foundation around it. If in the first year your new beginnings were in business, then your second year's mission will be to add to it to make your business more solid and stand on its own feet. If you started a new relationship, this is the year to make it solid by investing in yourself, your partner, and your relationship. It is important in this case to let go of your old experiences or patterns. Letting go in order to make your new one work. So whatever your new project was in that first year you will need more cooperation, patience and understanding. Especially with regards to your past circumstances. Learn to listen and try not to be sarcastic in your way of dealing with events that pass you by. Whatever venture you began in your first year, know that it will develop slowly. Time is vital for plans to fully mature. Do not take action at this time, because it is likely to force conditions in less than constructive directions. Any wrong move is often followed by problems. Be patient and accept delays, detours, and blockages. Pay attention to even the smallest of details.
Negative aspects of the 2nd year cycle – Too sensitive, hate to be criticized, are impatient, feel that disharmony is provoked and there are problems with self-control. Feel high levels of tension have trouble learning to listen. Being a doormat for others.

Year 1

The Beginning: It is a very good time to start on new projects. These projects can be on the emotional level, material level, business level, conscious awareness level, or on your soul journey. In this year, and especially if you did a proper assessment and are prepared for what you want from your life, this is a good vibration year for you. Embark on your journey! This is a time to start totally new plans or to initiate a complete change in your life. Be independent and original, and activate your plans, your ideals, and these changes. Power is high this year – it's time to ACT. Hard work may be necessary to get a venture moving.
I am in my first year cycle this year. I started my new website "The Free Spirit Center" that I thought a lot about last year. I planned it and even made a few changes to my original plan. The site picked up popularity in over 70 countries since we went online on February 20, 2002. In my first year for the first time, I picked up a pen and paper and started my journey into writing. I also started a new relationship. I have three new beginnings in my first year cycle. A proper study of your own situation, and an ability to focus is needed to make your start a more productive one. I guess I am going to be busy!
Negative aspects of the 1st year cycle – Having too much ego, too much pride, and not enough self-confidence. Being too dependent on other people, and being stubborn.

what is the "9 - Year Cycle"?

When you feel you are stuck in a rut, are stagnating, are experiencing lots of repeating patterns in your life, then consider looking deeply into your previous "9 - Year Cycle". The "9 - Year Cycle" will bring us a different understanding and awareness and mark our progress in life. Pay close attention to it and you will have better harmony in your life when it comes to your relationships, work, attitude about life, and money. 
So, if it isn't already obvious to you, there are 9 years in a "9 - Year Cycle" J. Once we complete our "9 - Year Cycle" then we enter into another, and once we have learned from our experiences during those years then, and only then, we move into something better and that's the cycle of life

Sunday, 6 September 2009

To calculate our personal year

I will leave it up to you to consider whether your Year's Cycle starts in January or on your birthday and you will realize at one point or another, which is best for you. You can be the judge here.

For example: To calculate our personal year

If your birthday fell between January 1st of last year and now, use this year. Born May 7, 1975 - In order to establish the yearly cycle you would put 2009 added to your day and month of birth. 2009 + 5 + 7 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5

If you were born in December (and we are calculating this in November), because we have not yet arrived at your month of birth (which falls in the same year) you would calculate using 2008:
Born Dec. 11, 1952. 2008 + 1 + 2 + 11 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6 This would mean that you are finishing off your year 6 and soon to enter into year 9 when your birthday arrives

To calculate our personal year

If your birthday fell between January 1st of last year and now, use this year. Born May 7, 1975 - In order to establish the yearly cycle you would put 2002 added to your day and month of birth. 2002 + 5 + 7 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

If you were born in December (and we are calculating this in November), because we have not yet arrived at your month of birth (which falls in the same year) you would calculate using 2001:
Born Dec. 11, 1952. 2001 + 1 + 2 + 11 = 17 = 8 This would mean that you are finishing off your year 8 and soon to enter into year 9 when your birthday arrives.